Exploring the upper ocean

Tandon Laboratory at UMass Dartmouth

Month: March 2023

Tandon lab at UMass IMS Symposium 2023

Inter-campus Marine Science (IMS) program at University of Massachusetts organized their annual symposium at UMass Dartmouth in March 2023. Researchers from the five UMass campuses (Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell and Worcester) gather to discuss their work in marine sciences.

Sid presenting his work on DWLs

Sid Kerhalkar, Patrick Pasteris and Nicholas Monroe presented posters at this event and their posters can be found here.

Members of Tandon Lab participated in the CLIVAR air-sea interaction workshop

Prof. Amit Tandon and PhD candidates, Iury Simoes-Sousa and Siddhant (Sid) Kerhalkar, recently participated in the CLIVAR workshop on Mesoscale and Frontal-scale air-sea interaction in Boulder, Colorado between March 06-08, 2023. The goal of this workshop was to make use of the progress in air-sea interaction to identify gaps in understanding, facilitating, and improving comparison of observations and modeling, and to build collaborations to respond to community needs. This workshop was funded by US CLIVAR, NASA, NSF, NOAA and DoE.

In addition to participating in discussions, Iury and Sid were presenting posters on their respective research. Iury presented a poster on “Atmospheric Cold Pools in the Bay of Bengal”  while Sid’s poster was titled “Observing and Modeling the variability of DWLs during the summer Monsoon in the Northern Indian Ocean“.  Prof. Tandon also volunteered to participate as a discussion leader while Iury and Sid volunteered as note-takers for discussions.

Sid and Prof. Tandon with Sid’s poster

Iury and Prof Tandon with Iury’s poster






Iury and Sid are grateful for the financial support by the workshop organizers (and sponsors) to attend this workshop while Sid was additionally funded by the Graduate Student Senate (GSS), UMassD travel support.

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