UMass Scholar of the Year award 2018.

USA Lead for ONR funded India-US Arabian Sea program EKAMSAT/ASTraL(’22-’27))

Chief Scientist MISOBOB 2017-2021, ASIRI- 2013-2017: U.S. Office of Naval Research Air-Sea Interactions in the Northern Indian Ocean – Regional Initiative (ASIRI Departmental Research Initiative), as well as Oceanic Control of Monsoon Intra-seasonal Oscillations in the Tropical Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal (MISOBOB) Air-Sea interaction initiative. Both ONR DRI teams collaborated with Ocean Mixing and Monsoons (OMM) program of India supported by their Ministry of Earth Sciences. These DRIs bring together the ocean community from ten major US research institutions and nine Indian institutions.

Other Leadership achievements

Co-Chair, Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2, 2015-2020), Theme 4: Circulation, climate variability and ecosystem response.

Fulbright-Nehru Scholar award, 2017-2018: This award allowed me to work with multiple scientists and institutions in India 11/17 to 03/18, while mainly hosted at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Fulbright Specialist Scholar, July 2014: Organized and taught workshop on Upper Ocean Physics with applications to the Bay of Bengal at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore.

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Climate System Modeling Fellowship, 01/1995 – 12/1996: UVic Canada. Only two fellowships awarded.

UCAR Ocean Modeling Postdoctoral Fellowship, 11/1992 – 10/1994: UVic, Canada. Only two fellowships awarded, on the basis of proposed research and past performance.

Capacity Building and collaborations:

Host to Spellman College (HBCU) sabbatical faculty Prof. Monica Stephens Fall 2014.

Host to Fulbright Flex Senior Scholar Dr. R. Venkatesan (Fall 2019, Fall 2021).

Host to Fulbright scholar Ms. Shikha Singh (‘19-20).

Host to multiple graduate students from Brazil, India for weeks-year long visits (’10-present).