February 2019: International meeting at ICTS on Air-Sea interactions in the Bay of bengal from Monsoons to Mixing.
February 2019: International meeting at ICTS on Air-Sea interactions in the Bay of bengal from Monsoons to Mixing.
January 2019: The current issue (November-December 2018) SPAN https://span.state.gov/issue-extract/16578 carries an article on Tandon’s Fulbright-Nehru scholarship and our Monsoon research.
Doctoral student Jared Buckley and collaborator J. Sreelekha’s paper published “Subseasonal dispersal of freshwater in the northern Bay of Bengal in the 2013 summer monsoon season” has been published by JGR-Oceans. Congratulations Jared!
Prof. Tandon recently returned from a successful MISOBOB cruise. More details appear in the Nature article on Mysteries of Indian monsoon probed in Bay of Bengal!
Prof. Tandon was quoted in NYT article over the floods in Thailand.
Dr. Farid Karimpour recently completed his postdoctoral appointment. He has joined a CFD company in the region. His work in the Tandon lab has now been published as “Sustenance of phytoplankton in the subpolar North Atlantic during winter”, by Karimpour, F., Tandon, A. and Mahadevan, A., in Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans. Congratulations Farid!
Dr. Sanjiv Ramachandran, Prof. Amit Tandon and colleagues published an observational analysis of an intensive survey of a sub-mesoscale front from their 2013 Bay of Bengal cruise onboard R/V Revelle, “Submesoscale Processes at Shallow Salinity Fronts in the Bay of Bengal: Observations during the Winter Monsoon“. Congratulations Sanjiv!
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Explorations Article this week.
Mixing to Monsoons: Air-Sea Interactions in the Bay of Bengal
Cover story in this week’s Eos – weekly of the American Geophysical Union.
Last saturday September 30th 2012, Dr. Sanjiv Ramachandran and graduate student Rahul Kashyap were on hand to demonstrate rotating table experiments for the Working Waterfront Festival at New Bedford. Despite heavy rains on saturday, a large number of attendees came by to attend the demonstrations. They answered many questions. Congressman Barney Frank and U.S. Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren also visited the display.
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