Congratulations are in order to Sid, who defended his PhD dissertation proposal titled “On the Diurnal Warm Layers in the Bay of Bengal” on August 23, 2021 (in the aftermath of Hurricane Henri) and thus, has transitioned to a PhD candidate position in Tandon laboratory. This session involved him giving a public talk for about 50 minutes which was followed by a closed room discussion session with his advisor Prof Amit Tandon (UMass Dartmouth) and committee members Prof Miles Sundermeyer (UMass Dartmouth), Dr Tom Farrar (WHOI) and Dr Ken Hughes (Oregon State Univ).  








Prior to this session, he also took a written comprehensive exam in June 2021 which comprised of two sessions: an open book and a closed book session, each lasting 4 hours. The exams consisted of questions from his formal coursework in UMass Dartmouth and questions related to his research.