Exploring the upper ocean

Tandon Laboratory at UMass Dartmouth

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Iury Simoes-Sousa: Successfully Defended Ph.D. Thesis and Prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship!

We are thrilled to share the wonderful news that the Ph.D. thesis defense of Iury Simoes-Sousa was successfully conducted on August 1st 2023.

Thesis Title: “Swirls and Gusts: Computational Insights into Ocean Vortices and Atmospheric Cold Pools”

The defense was conducted under the guidance of a distinguished committee, whose expertise and guidance were instrumental in shaping and refining Iury’s research. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following committee members:

– Prof. Amit Tandon (Advisor)
– Prof. Daniel MacDonald (UMassD)
– Prof. Geoffrey Cowles (UMassD)
– Prof. Sam Kelly (University of Minnesota Duluth)

The defense was graced with an overwhelming turnout. We had a significant online presence, with about 60 attendees tuning in via Zoom. It’s heartening to note that scholars and enthusiasts from esteemed institutions across the globe joined to witness this important moment in Iury’s academic journey.

The now Dr. Iury Simoes-Sousa has been awarded the prestigious Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Postdoctoral Fellowship, recognizing his outstanding accomplishments and commitment to fostering a more diverse academic community.

Congratulations, Dr. Iury!

Listening for Rain: Principal Component Analysis Unlocks New Insights

A group of researchers including Prof. Amit Tandon have unveiled an innovative approach to studying rainfall patterns in a recent article published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. By harnessing the power of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and acoustic data using hydrophones, scientists are pushing the boundaries of detecting precipitation. Traditional methods of tracking rainfall rely on weather radar and satellite imagery, which can be limited in remote or heavily vegetated areas. Given that more than 75% of the Earth’s precipitation occurs over the ocean and satellite measurements have large uncertainties, meteorologists and climatologists seek alternate rain detection methods to further improve weather prediction models.

This paper uses data from a weather station, located in the SMAST pier in New Bedford as a reference and simultaneously listened to the rainfall from the hydrophones on the pier to develop a new PCA based rain detection algorithm which exploits broadband acoustic data.

The data collection setup in SMAST pier. The hydrophones are 1 and 2 m below the low-tide line at the end of the pier. Weather measurements occur on the pier itself.

Top (a): Rain and wind recorded by the weather station for a few days in August 2021. Middle (b): A spectrogram of audio data recorded by a pier-mounted hydrophone during this time. Bottom (c): A banded plot showing whether a datapoint is usable in this experiment.

More information about this article can be found here. Congratulations Dr Mallary and team!

Sid presents his PhD work at IITM Pune

Siddhant (Sid) Kerhalkar, a PhD candidate in Tandon labs, presented a seminar on his research on Diurnal Warm Layers (DWLs) at Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune on July 11, 2023.  Attended by many distinguished scientists there, Sid was able to convince the audience about the importance of DWLs in monsoon representation and present observational evidence of the lateral variability over O(30 km) in these layers, arguably due to the spatial gradients in the wind speed patterns and background stratification over similar length scales in the Bay of Bengal.

Sid also utilized this time to understand the work various research various groups do at IITM Pune as well as understand how observational oceanographers like him could help the modeling community in developing a better understanding of monsoons.

Sid presenting at IITM Pune

Iury featured on the UMassD feature story

Dive into the captivating journey of the computational oceanographer and PhD candidate from our lab, Iury Simoes-Sousa, who traveled from Brazil to UMass Dartmouth to delve deeper into the intriguing world of ocean vortices and their impact on climate change. He recently collaborated with conservationists in a mission to relocate a lost manatee named Tico, who strayed over 2,000 miles away from home. From understanding the dance of ocean vortices to aiding in marine conservation, Iury’s tale is a testament to the power of international collaboration and the intersection of science, environment, and society. Explore the full interview for an inspiring insight into his life and work.

Iury and Sid attend the ONR Code 322 Workshop held in Arlington, VA on May 22-23, 2023

In an endeavor to navigate the careers in ocean research, Iury and Sid participated in the ONR Code 322 Graduate Student and Postdoc Workshop, hosted in Arlington, VA, on May 22-23, 2023. This comprehensive career workshop illuminated the diverse array of  opportunities, showcased the pivotal functions of the Office of Naval Research (ONR), emphasized the art of science communication, underscored the importance of safe and inclusive fieldwork practices, and facilitated networking among peers and potential employers. This workshop was attended by various officials from U.S. Navy, ONR, NOAA, NSF, NRL etc.

This workshop helped the attendees see their research as contributing to the broader society.  Moreover, the workshop’s focus on science communication resonated deeply and recognized its pivotal role in conveying the significance of their work to diverse audiences.

Finally, the networking sessions held great value as they allowed Iury and Sid to connect with potential employers and peers. These connections opened doors to opportunities, form mentorship and collaborations.


Iury and Sid participating in the ONR Code 322 Workshop

Revealing the Submesoscale-Mesoscale Inverse Cascade: Research on Eddy Formation in the Brazil Current by Former Student Caique Luko

We are excited to share the latest research on Journal of Physical Oceanography led by our former student, Caique Luko, who has been making remarkable strides in the field of physical oceanography in the Brazil Current region. His recent article, titled “Topographically-generated submesoscale shear instabilities associated with Brazil Current meanders,” delves into the fascinating dynamics of the interaction of the Brazil Current and the convoluted topography in the Southeast Brazil.

Authors: Caique D. Luko, Cauê Z. Lazaneo, Ilson C. A. da Silveira (Advisor), Filipe Pereira, and Amit Tandon (Co-Advisor)

The western boundary current system off southeastern Brazil is comprised of two main currents: the poleward flowing Brazil Current (BC) in the upper layer and the equatorward flowing Intermediate Western Boundary Current (IWBC) beneath it. This intricate system exhibits recurrent cyclonic meanders between 22°S and 23°S, which grow quasi-stationarily through baroclinic instability. However, the specific triggers for these meanders have remained elusive until now.

This article sought to shed light on the mechanisms initiating the formation of these mesoscale eddies by incorporating the submesoscale component into the hydrodynamic scenario. They conducted a high-resolution numerical simulation using the Coastal and Regional Ocean COmmunity model (CROCO) at a regional 1/50° (∼2-km) resolution.

Their findings unveil an intriguing process: incoming anticyclones reaching the slope upstream of separation regions induce barotropic instability, thus serving as a trigger for meander formation. This, in turn, generates submesoscale cyclones, which, in conjunction with baroclinic instability, contribute to the growth of the meanders, resulting in a submesoscale-to-mesoscale inverse cascade. As the mesoscale cyclones continue to develop, they interact with the slope, generating inertially and symmetrically unstable anticyclonic submesoscale vortices and filaments.

The arrival of incoming anticyclones and the formation of CST eddies as depicted by stream function () and geostrophic velocity () maps derived from sea-surface height data from: (a-c) a CROCO simulated event; and (d-f) an altimetry observed event. Yellow boxes display snapshots of: (a and d) the incoming anticyclone from the east; (b and e) the anticyclone hitting the continental shelf-break; and (c and f) the formation of a CST eddy downstream. The 160 m isobath (solid white line) is shown to highlight the interaction of the incoming anticyclones with the shelf-break. Regions shallower than 160 m should be analyzed with caution on panels d-f due to the limitations of altimetry data within the shelf.

Caique Luko’s research not only enhances our understanding of the complex dynamics within the western boundary current system but also highlights the importance of considering submesoscale processes in the broader hydrodynamic context. His work opens new avenues for exploring the mechanisms underlying mesoscale eddy formation in the Brazil Current region.

We are immensely proud to share that Caique Luko has continued his academic journey as a Ph.D. student at the prestigious Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This remarkable accomplishment underscores his dedication, expertise, and passion for advancing our understanding of the oceans. We congratulate Caique on his significant contributions to the field of oceanography and look forward to witnessing the continued impact of his research.

For more information about Caique Luko’s article and his ongoing research, please follow him on ResearchGate.

Vicky featured on the UMassD feature story

Viktoriya was recently featured in the Feature stories section of UMassD. Find more about the different avenues she pursued before doing her undergraduate thesis in the Tandon Lab, in the article here.

Congratulations Vicky!

Two undergraduate students from Tandon lab participate in MassURC

Senior year undergraduate students, Nicholas Monroe and Viktoriya Balabanova, presented their respective research topics at recently concluded Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference (MassURC)  on April 28, 2023. This annual conference is organized by UMass Amherst.
Nicholas, along with Sid and Prof. Tandon,  presented his work on “Biases in the modeled air-sea interaction during 2017-18 in the Arabian Sea” and his talk can be accessed here.  On the other hand, Viktoriya talked about “Validating Geostrophic Balances in the North Atlantic Ocean”, which was co-authored with Sid, Dr. Farrar and Prof. Tandon. Her talk can be viewed here.

Congratulations Nicholas and Viktoriya!

Nicholas presenting his work at MassURC

Viktoriya presenting her work at MassURC

Tandon lab member presents an invited talk at EGU 2023 Meeting

Siddhant (Sid) Kerhalkar, a fourth year PhD candidate, recently participated and presented an invited talk on his research at the European Geophysical Union (EGU) 2023 Meeting in Vienna during April 23-28, 2023.  Sid utilized the hybrid format of the meeting and presented remotely on  “Observing and Modeling the variability of DWLs during the summer Monsoon in the Northern Indian Ocean” in the Ocean surface mixed layer session. This session was well attended both in-person as well as remotely.

Sid’s participation was supported by Graduate Studies Office, UMassD. Congratulations Sid!

A screenshot of Sid’s title slide

Interview from Former Fulbright Scholar visiting Tandon lab

United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF), which is responsible for Fulbright fellowships, recently interviewed Dr.Shikha Singh to share her experiences while visiting the Tandon lab as a Fulbright-Kalam Climate scholar during 2019-20. The full interview can be watched here.

Congatulations Dr. Shikha Singh!

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